A pleasant bath procedure, the use of which rejuvenates and improves the quality of the skin. The medicinal properties of honey enhance immunity, remove unwanted toxins and relieve the body of excess fluid. Soft steaming in combination with foam massage, stimulates metabolic processes and saturates the skin with trace elements.

Individual warm-up (operating with air flows, which gives a step-by-step deep heating) - up to 15 min

Foam aroma massage in Greek baths for up to 20 min

Honey-fruit glazing (honey with freshly squeezed orange juice and grapefruit with light massage movements is applied to the entire body and gently rubbed with the inner part of the peel) up to 15 min

Aromatic foot bath


Tea drinking with honey and dried fruits

Tea drinking with honey and dried fruits


Duration of the complex - 2 hours

Time of stay in the SPA-zone is 1 hour (the complex also includes a visit to the Finnish sauna with Himalayan salt)

The cost for 1 person - 2 500 UAH

The cost for 2 - 5 000 UAH

The stay in the SPA-zone is 1,5 hours (the complex includes visiting the Finnish sauna with Himalayan salt)

Duration of the complex - 2,5 hours

* SPA massage is held in the office of tandem massage